It’s true that: Nothing is permanent in this world, not even our troubles.
So… keep on enjoying Life. Don’t lose your smile at any cost.
I’m gonna write on all bricks dat I miss you n I hope one of those bricks fall on ur head so that u realize how much it pains wen u miss sum1.
Life is a Magic. D beauty of Life is in the next second… which hides thousands of secrets. I wish every second will be wonderful in ur Life.
Wake up & wink those teeny weeny eyes,
Stretch those inzy winzy bones.
Wear that jolly winning smile n tell urself,
Today is a Beautiful Day. Good Morning.
Friendship is a wonderful gift dat no one can buy.
Itz made up of Luv dat roots in our hearts
2 make fruits of memory not just 4 a while
but 4 a Lifetime.
A cute little poem 4 u:
Monsoon rain or summer heat…
U r the reason y I breathe…
Tell me dear wat is sweet…
Is tat U or UR heart that beats!!!
FRIENDS are the ,@@ BEST PART (“;”)
of our (“)(”) LIVES… and the Best Vitamin for making Friends is
Vitamin B1… Thanx 4 “B”eing 1.
My words are Anti‐Biotic,
My smile is Analeptic,
My touch is antiseptic,
My msg through Cell is Anti‐Pyretic,
So always b my frnd n enjoy a disease‐free life 4ever.
To make a KG of honey, bees have to visit 4 million flowers,
travelling 4 times around d Earth.
Thank God, I can reach u, d sweetest, just 1 by remembering u.
Dear o dear, u r not NEAR,
But I can HEAR, don't get FEAR,
ur memories are HERE, live with CHEER,
When Friend is HERE, no more TEAR.
Listen & Silent r 2 words wth same alphabets & r very important 4 frndshp,
bcoz only a true frnd can LISTEN when u r SILENT...
Butterflies don't know in wat color their wings are,
but human eyes know how nice it is .
Likewise, u don't know how sweet u r
But I know how special u r 4 me.
Every normal person has 72 Heart Beats,
But 4 myself, its 73.
D extra one is ur SMS for every minute,
So don't stop ur SMS,
coz, it will affect my Heart!
I heard some1 saying ur name
But when I turned around 2 c who it was,
I noticed I was alone,
Then I realized it was my heart telling I MISS U!!!
Friendship isn't about whom you have known d Longest,
Who came First or Who cared d Best...
It's all about Who came & NEVER left!
No shadows 2 depress u, only Joys 2 surround u.
Many friends 2 Love u, God Himself 2 bless u,
These are my wishes 4 u for 2 day, 2 morrow & 4 ever.
Before I got in touch with you,
I used to gaze at Stars as they were my only companion...
But after I met you, I believed that Stars do fall on Earth.
Every garden must have a Rose,
Every sweet face must have a Smile,
Every grass must have Dew,
Every good person must have a friend Like U.
Don't only be a friend with someone who makes you happy.
Be a friend with someone who cannot be happy without you.
Exam Anthem: Fight fight, never surrender,
Clear d paper in May or November...
Where there is a will, there is a way...
After November, again there is May.
"A beautiful world can only be seen through the eyes of a happy heart..."
May you always have a happy heart to see the beauty of the world...
Friendship is a "Give" & "Take" relationship...
I hope you agree with this saying. So...
"Give" me a Treat and "Take" me to a Movie.
So simple...!
When you wait for someone for few minutes,
Its consideration,
For few hours, its trust,
For few weeks, its friendship,
And wait even when you know she will never come, its Love.
Dear Customer,
Good Morning. Your bathing date validity for one year is about to expire.
So kindly rebath within 1 hour and get 2 years validity. Hurry Up!
Thank you.
Girl Friend is College Partner,
Wife is Life Partner.
Girl Friend 4 Fun, Wife 4 Son,
Girl Friend is Cake, Wife is Headache,
Girl Friend is Garden, Wife is Bin Laden.
Friendship is the fever which affects the deepest part of d heart n it is not curable by any medicine except d affection of a seet friend like you.
Little keys can open big locks,
Simple words can express great thoughts,
Hope my simple "Hi" will make you Smile & remember me all the while.
In flower, my rose is u,
In Diamonds, my Kohinoor is u,
In Sky, my moon is u,
In River, my boat is u,
I'm just a Tree but the Monkey is U!!!
If one drop of rain can make you smile,
Then I wish u have heavy rainfall,
So that there should not be any place 4 sorrow in ur life.
January to December,
Sunday to Saturday
AM to PM,
My feeling 4 u has never changed,
U R always My Sweet Friend.
C d sky, u"ll see God's grace,
C d rain, u"ll see Dance once again,
C d moon, u"ll see depth of lake,
C d mirror, u"ll see God's biggest mistake
Lips do not join when we say Love.
Try saying it. Its the sign of Distance.
But when we say Friendship, Lips join.
It’s the sign of Togetherness.
Each day with someone new, I would look and never find another you.
The world is so full of people , and I know that it is true.
Yet, no one could ever equal the friend that I have found in you.
Relationship is like a garden.
It's beautiful when watered with love, hugs, tears and cheers.
But it dries up if left untouched. Keep in touch always...
Good Song: 5 minutes happy.
Good Movie: 3 hours happy.
Good College: 3 years happy.
Good Friend like you: Life long happy
Today I caught myself smiling for no reason,
Then I realized I was thinking of u.
The smile on my face
Is a reflection of ur sweetness.
Love d 1 who cares u ...
Care d 1 who knows u ...
Know d 1 who miss u ...
But don't miss d 1 who is made 4 u.
God's love has no limit,
God's grace has no measure,
God's power knows no boundaries,
May u have God's endless blessings
Today and everyday.
If you get less messages from me,
Don't think that I didn't care for you.
But I'm searching for the Best Message
For a Best Friend like you.
Few dreams are buried alive,
Few dreams are born dead,
But I wish wholeheartedly that all your dreams come true.
And u live with ur dreams to make them true.
Eyes ‐ Express d real feeling better than words!
Touch ‐ Shows d care than any words do, but
Words ‐ When used properly can catch d Eyes n Touch d heart!
Look at the Sun & u c Time...
Look in the Heart & u c Love...
Look in the eyes & u c Life...
Look at ur mobile & u c who's thinking of u.
Its me!!!
These r the wonderful pairs in the world:
Heart & Beats...
Night & Moon...
Birds & Songs...
Roses & Love...
My msgs & ur Smile!
Someone asked me: "For how long will u both be friends?"
I remained silent because I didn't know which 1 is longer:
"Always" or "Forever"
I looked back, I thought I saw u.
I listened carefully, I thought I heard u.
But no one was around...
Then I realized, my heart is remembering u...
Moon said to me; if your friend is not messaging u,
why don't you leave ur friend.
I looked at the moon and said;
Does the sky ever leave u, when u don't shine?
So many of us either fear tomorrow or regret yesterday,
But I won't fear tomorrow if u'll still be there for me,
And, I don't regret yesterday coz, 1 yesterday I met you.
Lovely roses & lovely u,
& Lovely r the things u do,
But loveliest is the friendship of the two,
One is me & the other is u.
A friend is 1 who 4gives b4 u say sorry,
Understands wen u say I 4got,
Waits 4ever wen u say 1 min,
Stays wen u say leave me alone...!
Care is the sweetest form of Love.
When someone says Take Care,
It really means that u will stay in their heart,
Till its last beat. OK TAKE CARE.
I hv simple calculation on how long we will be frnds...
Count the stars in heaven + sand on the shore
multiplied by the heart beats = FOREVER.
The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling
& even more beautiful is knowing that u r the reason behind it.
Hence, be a reason to Smile.
Choosing career is like choosing wife from 10 girls.
Even if u pick most beautiful, intelligent, kindest,
There's still the pain of losing all others.
Nvr say thx 2 sum1 who loves u...
Nvr say bye 2 sum1 who really needs u...
Nvr blame a person who really trusts u...
Nvr 4get a person who always thinks abt u.
When u start caring about urself,
U start loving somebody,
But when u start caring about others,
Somebody wil love u!!
That's nature...!
BYE is a little word,
that causes so much pain,
d person you hold now,
might never meet you again.
So never say BYE,
Always say, Meet U Again.
If u r stressed, u'll get pimples.
If u cry, u'll get wrinkles.
So, why don't u smile & get dimples.
Keep smiling, its simple :)
Well wisher is not who meets u everyday and talks with you.
He is one who may or may not meet u.
But always thinking about u & ur happiness.
U hurt a true heart in love as many times u want,
It won't stop loving u.
But if u cheat a true heart, it won't hurt or hate u,
But it won't dare 2 love u again!
Lovely roses & lovely you,
And lovely r the things u do,
But loveliest is the friendship of two,
One is me & the other is u.
It takes a min 2 hv a crush on sum1,
An hour 2 like sum1,
A day 2 love sum1,
But it takes a lifetime 2 forget
sum1 as sweet as ... ME :‐)
Trust of a friend should b like the feeling
that a one year old baby has:
When u throw him in the air, he laughs;
bcoz, he knows you will catch him.
A friend means:
Some1 I Miss,
Some1 I Care,
Some1 I Need,
Some1 I Love,
Some1 I Trust,
Some1 Special,
Some1 Like U.
Sweet good morning 2 a sweet person
who passed sweet night 2 see sweet dreams
now wants 2 pass d sweet day wid sweet talks.
Have a sweet day.
Friendship is not a game to play,
It is not a word to say,
It doesn't start on March & end on May,
Its yesterday, today, tomorrow & everyday.
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