Birdie birdie in the sky, drop a poo-poo in my eye. Me don't care, me don't cry, me just happy that a cow can't fly!
Unlike others, ur brain is a masterpiece. It has 2 halves the left & the right.
The left has nothing right in it & d right has nothing left in it.
What is a difference between a Kiss, a Car and a Monkey? A kiss is so dear, a car is too dear and a monkey is U dear.
I saw U on Road today. U were looking SO fine, Ur face SO divine, Ur walk SO perfect. My Heart started singing a Sweet Song: Who Let The Dogs Out!
Hello I am a virus and I am entering your brain right now..... sorry I have to leave, I can't find a brain.
Honey said to sugar, we r the sweetest on this earth, GOD laughed & said wait, i think u have not met the person reading this message.....
Sweet is ur nature, dear is ur name, close to my heart u will always remain. As earth wants water, flower wants dew, i want nothing but happiness 4u....
'I LUV U', send this to all ur valued friends & even to me , if u think I am ur valued friend. If 5 come back u will get married to the person u love...
The numerical value of l+o+v+e=54, but the numerical value f+r+i+e+n+d+s+h+i+p=108, 54+54=108, love+love=friendship, so friendship is 2 times greater than love.
People live people die people laugh people cry some give up some will try sum say hi some say bye. Others may 4get to disturb u but how can I.
Longest is mothers luv, shortest is others luv sweetest is lovers luv but strongest is frdship's luv. Hope we share the strongest bond.
(e Good Night!
In this cruel world it is very diff. to find a friend with a beautiful hear, pure feelings, attractive personality & stylish looks so don't lose me.
V sms each other bcoz u think I am nice, I think u r nice, u think I m cool, I think u r cool, u think I am sweet, I think u r sweet, u think I am smart. I think u r right.
Gu!u .: ow
Turn ur mobile upside down & read it again....
Friendship is like a needle of clock. Though we r in the same clock, v r not able to meet. Even if we meet it's only for few sec. But we always stay connected.
A richman want......., a poorman has........, if u will eat.....,u will get die now this one mr.intelligent.
(Ans:- NOTHING - Ask then Msg.).
------- U've
!`--.__--`! got a
!_ _ _ _ _! card. Open it......
$ *NEW YEAR * $
U have good style, U have good looks, U have good class, U have good looks, U have good face, u've good charm; U have good brain. OoPs! Sorry I think I have send it 2 wrong number. .!!!!!!
I was on ship thinking of u when i looked down i dropped the tear into the ocean then i promised myself dat until someone finds it i wont forget u.
2 day is the single line day. Suppose u met me single time "what single line u wud like to ask me?" Answer should be in single line n str8fwd. fast i'm waiting.
when i pray i dont see god but i know he listens.when i sms i dont see u. but i know u think of me with a cute smile.
Life means missing expecting things & facing unexpected things when u r right no one remembers but when u r wrong no one forgets.That's life!!
If 100% people loves u make sure i am one of them. If 99 % people hates u make sure i am 1% who loves u . If 100% of people hates u makes sure I am Dead.
why do we close our eyes when we pray when we dream when we kiss bcoz the most beautiful things in life r unseen & felt only by heart.
","THIS,"," ,",',',','"
IS GODS RAIN,",","''',
OF ,","",','','',',','
May it wash away all ur troubles & keep u happy always!
Merry X-mas & advance Happy new year.
A new year going to start within 3 days. Tell me what change would u like c in me in next year. reply is must. b honest. Watin 4 reply...
Q:- Choose any one to know what u will get on this valentine's day 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* reply quickly waiting...
Ans:- 1* teddy bear 2*yellow rose 3*nothing 4*red rose
5*rotten apples 6*a full day date 7* a kiss.
Q:- Which symbol u will select 4 ur lover in this valentines day.
%,=,#$?/* answer will be send after ur reply.quick
Ans: %-hotel treat. =-u r my pair. #-i hate u. $-i love u.
?-am urs. /-cal u donkey. *-ur honeymoon will be in England...
Don't open it for 45-days...............I know u cant wait!!!..Ok go ahead...........wish a happy April fool==200*!!......Remember u r the 1st fool, Go & find 1 more.
Words can express all that u think. so today on world words day, I ask 4 a small favor. Define me in one sentence & please be serious. eagerly waiting 4 ur reply.
The world is full of beauty when ur love is full of love. so start & end ur day with love & smile in ur heart . Have a peaceful day.
smile is a language that everybody understands, it costs nothing but create much. it happens fast but its memory may lasts forever.
Treat every one with politeness, even those who r rude to u. Not because they r not nice but because u r nice**good morning**
I asked god to make u happy, make u smile, guide u safely thru every mile, grant u wealth, give u health & most of all give u love & care.
All mornings r like a painting, u need a little inspiration to get u going, a little smile to brighten it& a msg from someone who cares to color ur day.
Every morning leave ur worries outside ur gate, bcoz that's where they pick up the garbage. have worry full day!
The beauty of the morning is not the sunrise, but thought of god giving us another day to see through life. wishing u a nice fruit full day.
Smile ! bcoz u have just received a text message from some one hoping that u r fine. take care. Good morning!
If u want success in life be sweet like honey, regular like clock, fresh like rose, soft like tissue, strong like rock, sure like death & smart like me!
Life gives Answer in 3 ways says yes & gives u what u want, it says no & gives u something better, it says wait & gives u the best! have a nice day!!
life is a book we all read it, love is a blessing we all need it. always be happy always have a smile. remember in this world we r just 4 while good morning!
If god answers ur prayer, he is increasing ur faith. If he delays, He is increasing ur patience. if he doesn't answer, he has something. better 4 u....!
The world is full of beauty when ur love is full of love. so start & end ur day with love & smile in ur heart.
Hey Good morning, rise & shine as u open ur eyes to greet the morning sun, I wish that u wud be well & fine.
Sometimes I sms u sometime I don't, sometime I reply u sometime I wont, but no matter how many times that sometimes is, u will be my friend not 4 smtime but 4 lifetime.
The sun rises in the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes u a good morning, hoping that u have the perfect day.
Sweet is ur nature, dear is ur name, close to my heart u will always remain. As earth wants water, flower wants dew, i want nothing but happiness 4u...
keep me as a friend & i will keep u in my ("v") lock it up & throw away the key ;;==<> so that no one can take u away from me.
A late night greeting does not only mean "good night". it has the silent message saying "u r my last thought at night. take care & sweet dreams".
D greatest gift u can give to someone is ur TIME... coz when u give someone ur time u given them a portion of ur life that u will never get back.
cherubs r angles of wisdom. cupids r angles of love. I don't know what angles of friendship r called but u must be one of them. Good nt.
I refuse to celebrate Friendship Day today. With friends like you, every day is a celebration.
When I think of you only one proverb comes to my mind -- "Dog is a man's best friend".
True friends are like Diamonds... they are real and rare.
Foolish Rascal Idiot Dude... despite you being all this, you are still my Friend!
A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
The ship that will never sink is my friendship with you.
Christmas may be many things
or it may be a few.
For you, the joy
is each new toy;
for me;
it’s watching U.
Christmas SMS
New Year SMS
Text Messagesrearchol
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