"Good looks catch Eyes but Good Personality catches Heart. You are Blessed with both." Don"t be too Happy, it was Sent to me!
I just Wanted u to Read it.
The importance of a dear frnd in our livs is lik d importance of our heart beats!Though they r not visible, dey silently lend u the gift called lif! Gud_night.
What's the difference between monkey & donkey ? Monk save this. Donk delete this . Now your choice ...
. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2 walk is easy.But 2 walk alone is tough.Being missed by some1 is nice.But missing some1 is painful.So I don't want 2 miss a gud friend like U!
Thousand Raindrops falls
Sea Water.
Some Drops
only goes to
That way
So Many
my Life.
U are
the 1 who
Only two person are the happiest in this world
one is MAD & d other is CHILD.
"Be MAD to achieve what you DESIRE."
& "Be a CHILD to enjoy what you POSSESS."
Dont expect anything from life, expectations hurt. When u don't expect, every moment, everything is a suprise & every surprise brings hapiness with it :-)g n8.
"When you truly care for someone,you dont find faults and mistakes;instead you correct their mistakes and accept their faults. Thats true affection".gudnt dear
. *. .*
this is not a heart, This is my old underwear which i dont wear now, so i wanted to ask b4 i throw, "do u want? GudMORNING
I see u as my best frnd when i close my eyes. If God ever decides 2 take U away from me then I'll pray 2 God 2 close my eyes 4ever...Hari
2 FEEL some1 in every HEART beat.FIND some1 in every THOUGHT. To SEE some1 with CLOSED eyes..& 2 MISS some1 in every breath.......and its friendship they say ,but when u read it if u recall me 4 an instant ,i say its friendship, the feeling hold us togther!
Friendship is a bridge between U & ME. When you feel lonely, cross it.. I will be waiting for you at the other end forever. If you are afraid just tell me.. I will cross it for you..
Once in your lifetime someone breaks ur heart and if u still feels to hold that person in every broken piece,that amazing pain is called true affection....simply true love ! In this fake world how many have true feelings ;if u have ,ur in pain ,but it not mean love is pain 'its a faboulus true feeling ruled by devotion,caring ,honesty,and real affection to make it a complete!'but it depends! ,and a very special morning only 4 u my dear.
And a universal truth ,nothing can acquire easily and deepnes increase when we struggle 4 it&behind everything u can find a numerous reason ,yes but a real strong reason!
Truth Of Life :
'V make them cry who care 4 us,
V cry 4 them who never care 4 us & We care 4 them who will never cry 4 Us..! Strange But True.....
The feeling of friendship starts from the eyes.. If you try to close your eyes, frndship turns in to a drop of tear and remains in ur heart forever....
Not all road reaches rome,not all wishes come true ,but which
Come real is ur destiny! Gud day my dear.
Ur the bar of Friendship!!!
Good GoodGood Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good GoodGood
Those who r special never go away..dey walk beside us everyday..Unseen, unheard.Stil near, Stil special,Stil missed n stil vry dear..! Just like.....ME. Gudnite
Those who r special never go away..dey walk beside us everyday..Unseen, unheard.Stil near, Stil special,Stil missed n stil vry dear..! Just like.....ME. Gudnite
: i!i!i:.:i!i!i:.
:i HELLO i:
". '.__.' ."
It's Me!
Wishing U
A Great Lovely
Learn 2 luv people who r willing 2 luv U at present,4get the people in the past & thank them 4 hurting U wich led 2 U luv people U hv 2day......gudnite:
A Famous Poet Says, It is Possible to Cross a Ocean Without Wetting Legs... But It is Impossible to Cross the Life Without Wetting the Eyes!
Nice frnds r gifts not easily gained. It roots from ones hearts and involves memories that stay not 4 a moment, not 4 a day , but FOREVER.Gudnt
¤Its 4 u my dear...!Keeping a friend is as diffcult as losing one.
U sacrifice a lot to keep them...i may not hav sacrificed 4 u...
But in ma heart
i always keeps u swear as a real gud friend where i always fails infront of ur friendship with a lot of joy and i always feels ur presence and ur joy when u read this msg my dear....! Edited trigen version,with love ur loving friend ,Nikhil!¤
If love was written in golden letters ,it was readen by people,who had
beloved thier love with small dreams and who wrote love is thier life
Itself ,but its really a golden bielf we like to come true...never goes in our way but in a way that we realize that love will be write in language we never understand, with no alphabet,but with a trust that a feeling of caring with a silent bilef that endless passion of mind r really satisfied in glorifed way! Simpley love satisfaction,is the real destiny were we always fail and its a 'trigen 'concept !dedicated to everyone who were in the middle of war to attain love and 4 those who were bielived as a expertcraftmen in same!and love wrote in heart by love itself with agrement called trust!dont edit this while forwading with love ,mayavi...!
All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should
have been more specific.
A friend is sweet when its new.
But it is sweeter when its TRUE!
But U know what? Its sweetest when its U.gn.sd.tc. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Railway Station
A Train:
Come & Go
At Any Time
The Track:
It Wil B there Forever...GudNit.....
Frnds r lik cryons-who color our lives!! I may not b ur favorite color:bt i am sure u wil definitely need me sumwhre sumtime 2cmplt ur pict ure.Gdn8..Swtdms
Luv is possible after friendship but... Friendship is not possible after Luv..., Bcoz Madicines work b4 DEATH,not after DEATH..!!
Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings. Gud nite
Every sunset gives us ,one day less to live but every sunrise gives us one day more to hope......, so hope for the best ....
A 4 Apple
B 4 Big Apple
C 4 Cheriya Apple
D 4 Double Apple
E 4 Eniyoru Apple
F 4 First paranjille aa Apple
by LKG Rowdies
Every sms u send I keep inside my heart,every word u say touches upon my soul.we may not C each other but u will always be some1 spl 2 ME. Gudnit!
. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Search a beautiful heart but not search a beautiful face. Beautiful things r not always good. But good things r always beautiful.
Gud after noon..
If 100% of d people L0vE U?
b sure i m 1of them!
If 99% people Hate u, b sure i m 1% who L0vE U!
If 100% Hate u?
b sure i m DiED!!
Thats my friendship!
The person who loves u more will trouble u more,but when u drop a tear they will fight the world to stop your tears. Gud mrnin!
Life is not measured by the moments of breath you take but by the breath taking moments. Gud morning & seize the day!
Employer: �In this job we need someone who is responsible.�
Applicant: �I�m the one you want.
On my last job, every time anything went wrong,
they said I was responsible.�
When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That’s relativity.
"Good looks catch Eyes but Good Personality catches Heart. You are Blessed with both." Don"t be too Happy, it was Sent to me!
I just Wanted u to Read it.
Imagine that u r working in a radio station..which song will u dedicate 4 me?Plz reply..send 2 all ur friends & get interesting replies... reply me 1st..Gd mng
K€€p Th€ Smil€ L€av€ Th€ T€nsion F€€L Th€ Joy
Forg€t Th€ Worry Hold Th€ P€ac€ L€av€ Th€ Pain
B€ Cool For€v€r.... Gudni8 & Sw€€t Dreams
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